Date of Award

Fall 9-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Trey Moeller

Second Advisor

Dr. Sherry DeVore

Third Advisor

Dr. Anthony Rossetti


Researchers and practitioners have indicated that current teacher evaluation systems do not distinguish differences between teachers. In an attempt to redesign the current system and create a more effective system, legislative mandates required the use of multiple measures in the teacher evaluation systems of states receiving federal money. As a result student perception surveys became one of the multiple measures being considered for use in the teacher evaluation process. In this study, student perception survey results and certified evaluator observation results were analyzed to determine if there was a significant linear relationship between students’ and evaluators’ perceptions of effective teaching. Central tendencies, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation were calculated using the scores of both variables for each indicator to find the variability within the data sets. Additionally, a Pearson r was used to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables using six teaching indicators designed through the Network for Educator Effectiveness teacher evaluation program. The Pearson r revealed a significant linear relationship between the two variables for two of the six indicators and a weak to moderate positive relationship for the remaining four. Finally, quartiles of students’ and evaluators’ scores were calculated and analyzed to further explore potential relationships between the variables. Quartile patterns indicated a potential positive relationship for all six indicators. The results from this study can be used to help local, regional, and state decision-makers better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various measures commonly used to evaluate teaching personnel.


Copyright 2014
