Date of Award

Fall 9-2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Rhonda Bishop

Second Advisor

Dr. Sherry DeVore

Third Advisor

Dr. Steven Bishop


The roles provided by academic support staff workers are critical for institutions, yet the workgroup is often overlooked or underrepresented in scholarly research. Performance appraisal is a necessary component of employment and support staff should experience justice in the appraisal of their performance. The appraisal process for workers should match position descriptions and should align with departmental and institutional strategic goals. A qualitative, phenomenological, interview-based approach was selected for this study. One-on-one interviews occurred to explore the perceptions of human resources administrators at two-year, non-profit community colleges located in three Midwest states in the United States of America. Success in performance appraisal can be realized when all workers, at all levels of the institution, are knowledgeable of the reason for performance appraisal and use of the information. The findings of this study are consistent with existing studies, but increase the knowledgebase with new information. Data analysis resulted in identification of major themes and anomalies among the responses. Identified themes were: (a) annual performance appraisal frequency, (b) appraisal review meetings, (c) recordkeeping practices, (d) performance appraisal training insufficiencies, and (e) collaborative decision-making. Identified anomalies were: (a) probationary or orientation performance appraisal, (b) annual anniversary, or hire date, appraisal, rather than same-date annual appraisal, (c) digital management and storage of performance documentation, and (d) coaching or mentoring performance appraisal, rather than Likert-type scale or descriptive phrase performance rating practices. Perspectives and instances of injustice in the appraisal process can cause dissatisfaction and detrimental effects for workers and the institution.


Copyright 2015
