Date of Award

Fall 11-1-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Roger "Mitch" Nasser Jr.

Second Advisor

Dr. Kevin Winslow

Third Advisor

Dr. Frank Giuseffi


To evaluate student achievement and satisfaction in different course delivery modes the researcher investigated both traditional and online undergraduate accounting courses at a private Midwestern university. By comparing student achievement and satisfaction in traditional versus online undergraduate accounting courses, the study aimed to highlight what works best in education and provide guidance to administrators and instructors alike. This investigation included students enrolled in undergraduate accounting courses during the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 school years. The mixed-methods framework allowed the researcher to examine this educational issue from the quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Quantitatively, the researcher examined secondary data from both student course evaluations, as well student grade and demographic data. The qualitative investigation consisted of one focus group and four personal interviews that the researcher performed to gauge students’ attitudes and beliefs about the two course delivery modes. The quantitative analyses revealed no significant differences in course evaluation scores, student engagement, or student satisfaction. However, the researcher did find statistically significant differences in student completion rates and the distribution of final course grades. Further, the qualitative analyses revealed several themes that assisted in the construction and interpretation of interviewees’ responses. Results from the quantitative data analyses of the first three hypotheses converged with the qualitative results, inasmuch as there were no observed differences in course evaluation, student engagement, or student satisfaction. However, divergences between the quantitative and qualitative data existed because although student completion rates and student grades iv were lower in the online undergraduate accounting courses, students were still equally satisfied in both course delivery modes. The researcher recommended that faculty and curriculum designers ensure that there is equality in the resources, assignments, and assessments, between the online courses and the face-to-face courses. Other recommendations included the need to change faculty perceptions regarding the inferiority of online coursework, as well as offering more blended options for students, as many nontraditional aged students are returning to college. Finally, suggestions for future research included focusing on increasing course completion rates by utilizing the best teaching practices, while also examining potential reason why some age and ethnic groups may be less successful in the learning environment.


Copyright 2019
