Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Jason Lively

Second Advisor

Justin Kussman

Third Advisor

Mike Lavella


Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in user experience (UX) design is reshaping the field of UX, offering new opportunities and challenges for designers. This thesis project explores the multifaceted relationship between AI and UX design, focusing on the challenges, opportunities, and skills demanded of UX designers in the age of AI. Through a review of academic research and real-world experiences, this project studies the impact of AI on web design processes, UX testing, and data analysis. Key findings highlight the transformative potential of AI in enhancing user experiences, from suggesting website structures to facilitating UX testing and data analysis.

Comparative analysis of language models provides valuable insights into AI capabilities, emphasizing the importance of careful consideration in selecting the most suitable model for specific applications. Reflecting on the implications of AI integration in web design and UX practices, the study highlights the need for continued research and exploration in the field. Recommendations for future research and practical applications include further investigation into AI algorithms, their impact on user behavior, and the development of standardized methodologies for integrating AI seamlessly into design workflows. This research provides a thorough investigation into how AI influences the future of UX design, offering valuable insights to designers as they navigate the complexities of this new AI-dominated digital environment.
