Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

K. Curtis Lyle

Third Advisor

Carolyn Scott


1bis project is a series of short stories based on but, not limited to my personal experiences. Imaginative exaggeration plays an important part. As Mark Twain once said, "I am the wellspring of truth. However, one does not bring up the entire well at once, but a bucket at a time." In each of these stories is a drop of truth.

The stories are a look at middle class life and various situations encountered by everyday people. The characters in these stories are based on real people, but their individual traits are stretched a bit to create satire and humor. No one character is the essence of one individual, but the combination of many with similar characteristics.

The eventual purpose of this series, with the addition of another dozen stories, is to become a book. One that reminds us we all have personal foibles, and that life is full of humor if we take time to look al it.
