Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Marketing




The purpose of this study was to elaborate different social media tools and their benefits as well as their risk for marketers.

An increasing number of companies use social media for their purposes and Internet users spend plenty of time with social media.

The use of social media is on the rise and cannot be ignored anymore. It is more cost-effective than traditional media marketing and distribution as well as other interactive marketing. Traditional media is struggling, but there is a connection between traditional and social media, which shows that these two relate to each other and influence the overall brand perception as well as the audience.

The new word-of-mouth comprehension is necessary for viral marketing but it is also important standing by itself. With word-of-mouth, the marketers give up some of their responsibility to the customer, thereby using social media as a big referral program. Traditional media marketing is a one-way communication; the company is sharing its opinion with consumers via articles, magazine advertising. or television commercials. Social media marketing is based on a two-way conversation between the company and the consumer. Remediation is the study of the relationship between ' new media' and traditional media and indicates a particular kind of intermedial relationship.

The six key attributes valued in social media are authenticity, transparency, immediacy, participation, connectedness and accountability.

Consumers have an interest in the products and services they use. Another way of nourishing this relationship to companies is to enable further interaction between the user and the company.

Included in

Marketing Commons
