Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Writing


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Eve Jones


The focus and purpose of this thesis has resulted in the culmination of a full-length novel. Since fiction is most often categorized by a specific genre, the actions and motivations in terms of characters and plot development will more than likely place this particular project in the genre of either a spy novel or action thriller. The introductory essay further elaborates on my journey as a writer, and the creative process behind the writing of No Serenade for Spies.

From the outset the goal was to create a plot-driven story with strong as well as interesting and believable characters. The intent of the prologue is to draw the reader into a mysterious event that may or may not have taken place. The obvious questions raised by the prologue as it relates to the apparent kidnapping, is whether or not the kidnapping actually occurred, and if so, how relevant will the missing college student be to the overall plot.

Chapter one begins in the city of Chicago, and appears to be unrelated to what has occurred in the opening scene back in Boston. However, the two events are inextricably linked. From the moment the female protagonist discovers the mysterious stranger hiding out in the backseat of her car, the tension and conflict rise quickly, and the reader, from that moment forward, is barely given time to catch his or her breath.

Each chapter introduces the reader to another level of complexity and escalating intrigue, including the onslaught of a domestic and well-organized terrorist organization. Out to foil the ambitions of the terrorists, who believe the government at its core is corrupt, the ambiguous nature of a shadow organization begins to development almost as a sub-plot, which raises questions about their identity, and who do they work for.

Events that take place throughout the story-line ignite a symphony of chaos and unpredictability, sending shockwaves that reach as far as the halls of power in Washington D.C.

Readers can expect a heart-pounding but intelligent suspense thriller, as the ending comes together in surprising and dramatic fashion, offering plenty of twists and turns along the way.
