Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration



First Advisor

Arlene Taich

Second Advisor

Edward J. Harrick

Third Advisor

Donald Fuller


Baseball card manufacturing began in the late 19th century. Collecting those cards soon followed . This child's hobby continued largely unnoticed until the late 1970's. At that time the hobby started a period of exponential growth. In 1979 there was one baseball card manufacturer, in 1989 there are six. Because of this extra demand, baseball cards became an investment vehicle .

This project will examine baseball cards as an investment. It will attempt to discover what motivates those involved with the hobby, why they entered the hobby, their present activity in the hobby and their opinions about baseball cards as an investment tool will hopefully be revealed.

The reader will be familiarized with the history of baseball cards . It will also illustrate the investment performance of baseball cards and compare it to the more established forms of investments.

After the reader has been brought up to date, the author will attempt, through the use of two surveys, to test a series of hypotheses that have been some of t he major issues of the hobby. These topics are always being debated but have yet to be studied at the nationwide level. It is the author's intent to answer these questions .

seball cards and compare it to the more established forms of investments.

Included in

Business Commons
