Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Daniel W. Kemper

Third Advisor

Joseph Silverio


This thesis will focus on the relationship between the Research and Development (R&D) and marketing functions as they relate to the new product development process in a corporate setting.

New product development processes are a complex and dynamic series of activities which require a transition in the organization from a hierarchical structure to a colleague-based, horizontal structure. Cross-departmental teams and project management methods lead to shared responsibilities for new products among R&D, manufacturing, and marketing groups.

Research has established that communication problems, goal conflicts, and a lack of openness often characterize the relationship between R&D and marketing. Research has also established a relationship between harmonious R&D/marketing interface conditions and success rates in new product development.

Research has validated that one measure of the degree of integration between R&D and marketing is based on the extent of R&D and marketing involvement and information sharing in various stages of the new product development process.

The purpose of the present study is to measure the amount of perceived involvement and information sharing between the R&D and marketing departments of a company involved in new product development in the food industry. Specifically, it is hypothesized that there will be differences found between R&D and marketing personnel's perceptions of the degree of involvement and information sharing (1) ideally required, and (2) actually achieved in key areas of the new product development process. It is also hypothesized that within each group differences between the perceived degree of ideal and actual involvement and information sharing will measure degree of dissatisfaction with current interface conditions.

An integration scale was administered to 79 research and marketing personnel in the company of study. Data were analyzed by statistical methods through the use of the t-test for differences between means and paired t-tests . Results of the analysis confirmed both hypotheses for differences between and within R&D and marketing groups.

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