Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration



First Advisor

Joe Ancona

Second Advisor

Drew Cherven

Third Advisor

John Howard


The purpose of this research is to examine the factors of why the purchasing professional is procuring foreign vs domestic commodities.

This paper will review the early history when the U.S. started to buy goods offshore and continued over the years to expand their foreign vendor base.

An examination of literature and periodicals have suggested the reasons why the purchasing professional will need to expand his/her foreign vendor base of companies as to assure that the quality, technology and availability of needed materials will be at his/her disposal in order to compete in the global market place.

To develop conclusions to support the theory of purchasing offshore, I have reviewed books, articles and conducted a survey among the St. Louis area purchasing professionals to determine a general appraisal on the reasons companies are now instituting foreign base suppliers due to the price, availability and technology,

Included in

Business Commons
