"Motivating Sales Personnel" by Kel T. Denker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration



First Advisor

Daniel W. Kemper

Second Advisor

Jan Kniffen

Third Advisor

Joe Ancona


The purpose of this study is to develop a reference manual for managers to examine on a periodic basis and refresh their memories about the motivational process and its importance in the field of sales.

Research has shown that individuals are motivated differently to achieve specific goals and those who are positively motivated definitely out perform those who are not. In the field of sales, this is extremely important. This project illustrates motivational theory, personality types, a managers role, a sales persons role, and a variety of different motivational techniques.

This project is not intended to teach managers how to motivate sales personnel, but spark the creative thought process for detailing a motivational plan for each individual sales representative. Therefore, this manual will serve only those managers willing to participate and expend the energy to get inside of the minds of the sales people they manage .

Included in

Business Commons
