Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Pamela Nickels

Second Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Third Advisor

Terry Freerks


The purpose of this study was to examine any significant relationships between a variety of factors and state anxiety using road race athletes. The factors examined were age, years of racing, expectations, finishing place, and accuracy of expected finish. Sixty eight subjects completed the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), an instrument that measures cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, and self confidence in a sports setting. Results indicate no significant relationships of gender, distance raced, and accuracy of pre-race expectations with CSAI-2 scores of the runners. Cognitive state anxiety was found to correlate to pre-race expectations (-.27). Self confidence correlated to age (.20), and somatic state anxiety correlated with age (-.43), expected finish (-.25), and actual finish (-.21). The CSAI-2 scores were also examined for any differences between runners who raced short distances ( 5 kilometers or less) and runners who raced long distances (more than 5 kilometers), along with examining for differences between male and female runners. No significant differences were found in CSAI-2 scores between genders, or short and long distance runners.
