Psychological Sex Type and Sexual Orientation

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Larry Gale

Third Advisor

James Evans


Psychological sex type was used to investigate how different people of sexual orientation viewed themselves. The Bern Sex-Role Inventory was used to measure the respondents psychological sex type while a simple self labeling instrument was used for classifying the respondents into different sexual orientations. The relationship of psychological sex type and sexual orientation was investigated. A chi square procedure was used to test the hypothesis that sexual orientation and psychological sex type are not independent of each other, and descriptive statistics were used to look at how diverse the psychological sex types were within the different sexual orientations. A crosstabulation was calculated for a chi square procedure to test the null hypothesis, sexual orientation and psychological sex type are not related to each other. The chi square procedure accepted the null hypothesis. The statistics showed there were not very many individuals who were classified as psychologically androgynous . Also , the statistics showed there was not a wide diversity of scores in the different sexual orientation subsamples.


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