Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education



First Advisor

Donna Jo Vandagrifft

Second Advisor

John S. Burd


The purpose of this study was to perceive the needs of the faculty of the Warren County R-III School District in the area of in-service teacher education.

The instrument used in the study was a survey designed by the author and arranged to secure data that would give demographic information as well as obtain information for a needs assessment. The survey was distributed to the teachers through the school mailboxes .

After the information was collected, it was tallied, charted, and analyzed . In summarizing the study, it can be concluded that: 1) all teachers realize the need for in- service training, 2) the majority of teachers are willing to participate in in- service education experiences, 3) the majority of teachers favor a reward system for in- service education, 4) they believe that, to be most effective, teachers should plan and conduct their own in-service education, and 5) there is a difference in the needs of experienced teachers as opposed to the needs of the less experienced teachers.

As a result of this information, a format has been devised that will greatly improve the quality of in-service training in the school district. This form will be presented to the school administration and the Warrenton Teachers' Association with a recommendation that it be adopted and pursued.

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