Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Harold Zimmer

Third Advisor

Myron Kozman


Many people think writing for kids is simple. After all, what parent, grandparent or teacher has not picked up A Little ABC Book book and thought, "I can do better than this ! "

However, even though writing for kids in the 1990s is possible, exciting and fulfilling it 's not as easy as it looks. In addition to knowing how to write well , writing for kids today takes more commitment, ambition, creativity, sensitivity and expertise because kids are much more sophisticated than they were ten or twenty years ago.

And, because global information systems and mass media have dramatically contributed to the sophistication of kids, children's writers have opportunities to cash in on their writing in the nineties to the tune of a billion dollar industry (Macdonald 250).

Just as writers realize there are big bucks in children's literature, they must also realize the importance of their voices. That without them there would be no business because publishers need books to sell . And without publishers there would be no editors. And as New York editor Olga Litowinsky commented , without books , there would be few intellectual and spiritual rewards (xiv).

Consequently, because books are companions to everyone, writers must answer their regal commands . They must consider publishers and editors as partners in a rewarding and profitable initiative . When such perceptions are embraced the world will be spiritually and intellectually richer.

So just how do writers break into the world of publishing in the nineties? This culminating project will discuss key themes relative to the writer's commitment, ambition, creativity, sensitivity and expertise.

In other words, this discussion will explore what it takes to be a writer for children in the nineties along with the responsibilities of writing for the young ; how to plan time to write and write consistently; get ideas; and prepare manuscripts for submission.

The Review of Literature Chapter examines several author's accounts whose work reflects the history of literature during the last five decades and advice from a noted United States author on how to get work published.

The Results Chapter presents several personal works addressing various segments of children's literature.

Finally, the Discussion Chapter introduces an expert in children's literature to comment on the various aspects this culminating project discusses-- "Scooping the Kid's Market : Writing for Children in the Nineties."

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