Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration



First Advisor

William Meyer

Second Advisor

Daniel W. Kemper

Third Advisor

Edward Stewart


For as long as there have been Colleges and Universities, graduates have been making career decisions. The decision one makes to become a collegiate level educator has been made by thousands since this time. Due to this, the motivations these educators have felt are quite interesting.

This project will examine the motivations of the collegiate level educator. It will attempt to prove that the mobility within education is the greatest motivator.

The reader will become familiarized with history of the educator and the motivations that are present.

After the reader has been brought up to date, the author will attempt, through the use of a survey instrument, to test a hypothesis that states that mobility is the number one motivator of the collegiate level educator.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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