"The Fulfillment of Love and Belongingness Needs Among Single Parents" by Anne Roemer Bannes

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

John McClusky

Second Advisor

Roy Tamashiro


The present study investigates the differences between single parents and married parents regarding (a) to what extent they fulfill their love and belongingness needs , and (b) what sources they enlist for this fulfillment. Nine hypotheses are tested using 50 subjects who were given a questionnaire developed for this study. No differences are found between married parents and single parents in the fulfillment of their needs . Differences are found in the sources they enlist for the fulfillment of their need for love, but no differences are found between groups for sources of fulfillment of their need for belonging. It is concluded that this study supports a more positive image of the single parent than past research implies, i.e., that the single parent is a fulfilled individual capable of meeting her love and belongingness needs in spite of the vast amount of discrimination experienced by her in this society.

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