""SSmart Care": The Development of Disease Management Programs Within A" by Carol E. Oberaitis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Health Management

First Advisor

Betty LeMasters

Second Advisor

Jean Garrison

Third Advisor

Lynn Mark


This cumulative project paper will focus on the development of disease management programs by SSM Health Care - St. Louis, an integrated health care delivery network. This paper will detail the process used by the network to prepare for this project, the key roles and functions of the staff and physicians, the design phase and implementation phase of the project. The rationale for the project, the literature review, the barriers to the project and the outcomes will be included in this paper.

The purpose of this project paper is to share with other networks or individual hospitals the experience of this network to increase their level of knowledge as they develop their own or evaluate their process. There was much new knowledge gained by the SSM Health Care - St. Louis Network by doing this project as well as knowledge gained from others as the project progressed. It is the hope that this shared knowledge will be of benefit to others.

The author of this project paper was the project was the project manager for the medical management department of the SSM Health Care- St. Louis that developed the disease management programs referred to in this project paper. In that role, the author was responsible for the facilitation of all three of the disease management program design teams referred to in this project. The author was also the creator, author and co-author of many of the pages in the program manuals. The author supervised, coordinated or assisted others in the creation of other parts of the programs represented in the manuals. The contents of the Appendices are many of the pages from these manuals, but not in their entirety. The forms developed for use in the program and for use in the program manuals were copyrighted by the SSM Health Care Corporation. A copyright page was placed in all manuals. (Appendix I page 51 ).

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