Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mass Communications

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Ben Kuehnle

Third Advisor

Edie Barnald


This study will focus on the effects of humorous advertisements in the television medium and its impact on viewers.

Research has established to the humorous advertising in the business importance of world and the effect that it has on consumers' consciousness.

Humor in advertising is seen as an important factor in the purchaser's process . Also, it is a tool that companies use to create a positive attitude toward the brand .

At this time, humor in commercials is the heavy attribute that gives viewers often pleasures . However, some current uses of humor in commercials do not achieve this purpose.

Some commercials create a negative attitude in viewers toward the brand, because they were made without a deep investigation about the needs of consumers before they were produced.

The purpose of this research is to investigate what makes a humorous commercial successful and another unsuccessful . It intends to give students, professors and advertising professionals a good understanding of how humor works and how and when it is perceived by viewers in a positive or a negative way.

This research will provide some concepts about the appropriate use of humor in commercials. These concepts can be applied to humor relating to the product, humor relating to the objectives of the company, humor relating to the message, humor relating to gender difference and humor relating to the price.

Moreover, some successful and unsuccessful humorous advertisements were evaluated, nine successful and four unsuccessful. These evaluations and case studies help to understand why some advertisements fail in the market.

The results of this investigation has established considerable evidence that demonstrate that humor can be an effective cool to convey the message effectively to viewers and a medium that can lead consumers to purchase a product (goods or services) .

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