Date of Award

Fall 12-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Music Education (MME)



First Advisor

Dr. Ryan Curtis

Second Advisor

Dr. Katherine Herrell

Third Advisor

Dr. Matthew Hoormann


This project is a curriculum guide for the first quarter of a beginning class. After researching ways to build engagement in beginning learners, this project was constructed to serve as an overview of the most important topics to be covered in a beginning band class. It contains five topics, each consisting of a set of lesson plans as well as a culminating assessment. This is not intended to be a comprehensive unit plan, covering everything a student needs to learn, but addresses a sampling of the most important skills that students need to develop. This guide is also not meant to be implemented consecutively. Although the lessons within each topic build upon each other, the topics themselves will not be ‘completed’ before moving on to lessons in the next topic. Additionally, time will need to be allotted in between the lesson plans for the students to practice and refine the skills they learned before moving on to a new lesson.
