Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Eve Jones


This creative writing thesis follows two characters on a difficult, snow covered journey through the heart of the country. They do n' t know it, but they are on a voyage of self discovery and both of their lives will be changed forever by the conclusion of the text. It is a story about how fate can transform lives in an instant . I liken their journey to two asteroids colliding in space. It is a highly unlikely occurrence with devastating results .

The characters Arlen and Edmund were partially based on people have become familiar with a great deal of exaggeration and various fabrications . One is a man having trouble hanging on and the other is a man desperate for an escape, literally.

By utilizing classic elements of suspense and a high school brand of humor this piece stands a part from the atypical format of this genre . It moves quickly and can almost be divided into two sections due to the level of story progression.

Told in third person narration through 97% of the story, the narration has no bias towards the characters and the horrible things that they may have done . As a result the reader is left with an uneasy feeling of awkward tension and impending doom.

The piece is written by a fictional reporter who transcribes a few of Arlen's scribbled notebooks and must have had some detailed conversations with a serial killer . The result is a fast moving synopsis of one mans descent into utter lunacy .

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