Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Gerontology

First Advisor

Betty LeMasters

Second Advisor

Jean Garrison

Third Advisor

Lynette Gerschefke


This thesis will focus on the role of the nursing administrator in long-term care in the past, at present, and the requirements for the future. The major emphasis will be to focus on the educational needs required for the nursing administrators to function effectively in their role as top nursing leader of the facility.

There are many external forces affecting long-term care facilities: early discharges from hospitals result in sicker residents in the nursing home, a case mix prospective payment system is being piloted for rollout to all fifty states, and managed care enrollment is increasing for the Medicare population, just to name a few. The requirements for nursing leaders have changed. In addition to clinical knowledge, they must also become knowledgeable in all aspects of managing an organization. The days of hiring nurses as nursing administrators in long-term care, sometimes just after graduating from nursing school or with little or no management education or experience, is no longer acceptable.

The number of nursing managers realizing the need for further education in management and returning to school to pursue degrees is increasing. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the educational needs of the NAs and to present managerial information addressing those needs.

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