Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Pamela Nickels

Third Advisor

Jessie B. Harris Jr.


The relationship between the length of sobriety in the twelve step program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and self-esteem level was examined for 27 recovering alcoholics. Participants included L3 male and 14 female members of AA who volunteered to complete the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and a cover/survey letter that contained demographic questions. Where it was predicted that there would be no relationship between length of sobriety and self-esteem level, it was found that there was a positive relationship between the two for the total group and the female group. That is, where length of time sober in AA increased, the alcoholic's self-esteem also increased. However, the prediction of no relationship was found to be true for the male group.

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