Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Pamela Nickels

Second Advisor

Terrence M. Rohen

Third Advisor

Judith A. Tindall


The author and a female client use dreams as the vehicle in counseling, following theoretical and practical considerations outlined by C.G. Jung. Included are discussions of theory, the function of dreams and dream symbols, selected dreams, and the content of some of the sessions. The author and the client met for one hour per week over a period of three months for a total of twelve sessions. Both recorded their impressions and experiences in journals during this period. The results of the counseling sessions validate Jung's thesis--that work with dreams leads to a cooperative alliance between conscious and unconscious psychic processes as well as to increased feelings of emotional stability, freedom, and wellbeing.

Included in

Counseling Commons
