Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Edie Gibbons-Barnard

Third Advisor

Carolyn Scott


This LCIE Culminating Project will exhibit the skills that I have gleaned from my courses in the LCIE Master of Science degree program in Mass Communication. My project will incorporate the fundamentals of video production, documentary journalism, photojournalism, documentary film/ video production, and what I learned from my internships at KMOV-TV and KMOX-AM.

I have completed a videotape presentation depicting the highlights of Lindenwood College's first varsity football season. This topic was chosen for three reasons: (a) I was able to combine my acquired skills with my interest in sports broadcasting and journalism, (b) I still was able to display mastery of all of the aspects of video production; scriptwriting, video photography, serving as a producer, editing videotape, and (c) it would give the Lindenwood football coaching staff an audiovisual aid that would help player recruitment to the college. So, I was able to satisfy my needs and provide a useful service to Lindenwood College.

What follows this abstract is the Process & Analysis Summation; a detailed description of the entire process of creating this presentation. From the genesis to the completion of the project, the Process & Analysis Summation discussed the choices that I made along the path to completion of the LCIE Culminating Project, as well as the obstacles that I had to overcome en route to that destination.

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