Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Ben Keuhnle

Third Advisor

Eric Zitelli


How individuals perceive a business is reality. It doesn't matter if these perceptions are true or false. This paper explores aspects of corporate image and identity and the importance of shaping an image for a company.

We will focus on the importance of research and how initial research should determine how people perceive a company in and outside the organization itself. We will also discuss the CEO' s impact and his/her role. The CEO oversees current perceptions, shapes and molds an image for the company, guides the image for the future and should also be a communicator within the company.

Employees and their impact on the company's image will also be another focus in this paper. Employees feelings spread throughout the company and the community and are closely linked to perpetuating a positive image. Employees should participate and support their company's image, but employees have a major responsibility to communicate and live up to that image for this support to materialize.

Throughout the paper there will be examples of companies that apply image management techniques successfully through various situations, including crises which have the potential to seriously damage the corporate image.

Finally, the end of the paper will look at future issues and concerns for corporate image makers.

Included in

Business Commons
