Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art



First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Edward Doerr

Third Advisor

Mary Utley


Differences in male and female self-reported interest and ability in occupations were examined. The researcher studied participants' interest and ability scores on 7 occupational categories of the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey : influencing, analyzing, producing, adventuring, organizing, helping, and creating. Thirty-nine subjects, age 17 to 23, completed the 320 item survey. The sample included 26 female and 13 male subjects. The survey utilized a 6 point response format requiring the subject to determine to what degree they share the interest or ability mentioned. To determine gender differences in response scores, descriptive statistics and one way analysis of variance ( ANOVA) were performed. Gender-based response differences were found in interest and abilities within producing, adventuring, and organizing occupations. Differences were also found in the interest responses involving influencing and helping careers.

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Education Commons
