Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art




Deciding to return to graduate school as an adult student creates another role for an individual to fulfill Studies have shown that women. especially. feel role strain or conflict more than men when returning to school Little research has been done on the role the woman's spouse plays in her attempts to complete her degree. This correlational study examined perceived spousal support and marital satisfaction among female graduate school students. Thirty-nine female students volunteered for this study. The volunteers completed the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the Student Relationships Questionnaire The results suggest there is a significant relationship between perceived spousal support and marital satisfaction. The more supported the female graduate student feels by her spouse the more satisfied she appears to be in her marriage.

Since women. as research indicated. tend to choose family responsibilities over school responsibilities when role conflict arose these finding may be beneficial to graduate school advisors in retaining female graduate school students.

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