Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art



First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Becky McKenna

Third Advisor

Pamela Nickels


This study discusses attitudes of heterosexual graduate counseling students toward lesbians and gay men and some of the possible consequences these attitudes may have on the counseling relationship in relation to the identity development of the gay or lesbian client or couple. Special emphasis is focused on gender, contact with gays or lesbians, and education regarding gay and lesbian lifestyles, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) . Eighty-three graduate counseling students at a Midwestern university responded to a demographic information sheet and a questionnaire. The questionnaire utilized was the short version of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG-S). This instrument includes two sub-scales, Attitudes Toward Gays (ATG-S) and Attitudes Toward Lesbians (ATL-S) . The results suggest attitudes towards gay and lesbians become more positive when an individual 's knowledge and awareness is increased about gay and lesbian lifestyles. These findings are discussed and suggestions are made regarding preparing counselors for working with gay and lesbian clients as well as suggestions for further research.

Included in

Counseling Commons
