Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Writing


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Beth Mead

Second Advisor

Eve Jones


The following stories are a collaboration of my most influential moments in life concerning relationships with men and my family. I take seriously what a lot of people have said to me based on their words, choices, and decisions. I am an avid listener and am constantly thinking about how I could incorporate something into a story. I spent a lot of time thinking about my past and talking with those close to me to determine what type of memoir would best exemplify the real me.

In the beginning of this collaboration, I write mainly about men and how I got the viewpoint I have concerning relationships. With a descriptive story of the worst blind date I have ever had the misfortune of being on to my very first boyfriend, the reader should be able to see into my emotions.

The second half of this collaboration is in regards more to my family and the influences they have sprinkled over my life. My family brings out a different side of me and I loved displaying that.

Overall, Designated Dater has a lot of humor and wit mixed in alongside the real life situations that I remember occurring. Enjoyable as it is to read, it was a lot of fun writing.
