Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


This is a motor training program for kindergarten students , who have both motor difficulties and low readiness scores, which includes gross , fine , and perceptual motor activities. The program includes developmental motor skill activities and a list of equipment used. A hypothetical population consists of four kindergarten classes of which, most are white, middle c lass , and live in a community of 12,000 in Missouri . The Purdue Perceptual Motor Survey and The Metropolitan Readiness Test will be administered to the students in all four classes . A control group and an experimental group will be selected from all students who score below 65 on the Purdue and 44 or below on the Metropolitan. The low scoring subjects will be placed in either the experimental or control group, random assignment will be used. There will be 15 subjects placed in each group . The control group will receive no treatment. The experimental group will be administered the Psychoeducational Inventory of Basic Learning Abilities £or additional diagnosis and then will participate in a seven month, daily motor training program. Three variables will be used for analysis: (a) readiness test scores- -both pretest and posttest; (b) motor test scores--both pretest and posttest; and (c) sex differences . Statistical analysis of the data gathered will be done using a two- tailed T test. The findings expected are : (a) more boys than girls will have lower motor scores; (b) more boys than girls will have lower readiness scores; (c) motor training will enhance reading readiness ; and (d) the experimental group will make greater positive gains in both motor and readiness test scores . A significant difference at level . 05 is expected.
