Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art



First Advisor

Richard Rickert

Second Advisor

Hans Levi


I have long had a "love-affair" with photography. As a teacher of photography and a "semi-professional" photographer, I desired to further my study of photography by seeking a master's degree in this field. In so doing, I have had many opportunities to examine my feelings toward this subject and my relationship with it.

The purpose of this paper is to explore both my technical and aesthetic relationships with photography. In examining these two areas, I have also looked at my photographic past as well as the photographic involvement in my present way of living.

In Chapter One I examine what photography has meant to me in the past, what my life would have been like had I not taken an interest in photography, and conclude by determining what photography means to me now.

Chapter Two examines my approach to making photographs, how the camera and I relate to one another, and concludes by examining photographic style in the work of other photographers as well as in my own work.

The third chapter looks at the advantages and disadvantages of the medium, and I have stated my preferences and reasons for using certain photographic methods.

I have not directly addressed the photographic work accompanying this paper because it embodies only a small part of my overall photographic endeavor. Furthermore, as one who works in a visual art form, I feel that any work produced must succeed or fail on its visual merits alone. Any attempt to explain, define, or analyze it places it within a verbal perimeter which would be detrimental to its visual freedom.
