Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art in Art History and Visual Culture



First Advisor

James Hutson

Second Advisor

Chajuana Trawick

Third Advisor

Ryan Curtis


Advanced Placement Art History (AP Art History) is a course that, while being one of the less popular AP offerings, exists in thousands of schools already. College Board is the institution that facilitates these courses and sets the requirements each school must follow in order to offer the course. With that said, there is not a rigid requirement that all courses be taught in the same manner, and because of that, the curriculum of this project was adapted to enhance learning for students of Marshall High School.

The art department of Marshall High School has evolved in recent years and is currently looking to offer an AP Art History course. This project is in service of Marshall High School and has been created with the unique student body and location in mind. Innovative approaches have been created to best aid this specific setting. Due to the specific nature of some assignments, this curriculum could not be taken and directly applied to other districts, though it could be adapted to meet the unique setting each school has to offer.
