Programs from student dance performances.
Titles with an asterisk (*) at the beginning indicate that no program is available at this time.
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Submissions from 1959
* Dance Concert (January 13, 1959), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1958
* Dance Concert (January 1958), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1957
Which Way Are You Going? (December 12, 1957), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1956
Modern Dance Demonstration (May 11, 1956), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1955
* Passport Beyond (May 12, 1955), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1954
Manhattan Moods (January 14, 1954), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1953
Hopscotching the World (February 3, 1953), Lindenwood University
Submissions from 1952
* Psalm 117 (February 10, 1952), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1950
* Christmas Dance Recital (December 12, 1950), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1949
Tau Sigma Dance Concert (December 13, 1949), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1945
"twas the night before Christmas" (December 13, 1945), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1943
* America in Dance (May 15, 1943), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1940
Middle American Fiesta (May 18, 1940), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1938
All Over the World (May 13, 1938), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1937
Dance Recital (October 28, 1937), Lindenwood College
May Fete (May 7, 1937), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1936
An Oriental Fantastique (May 15, 1936), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1935
The Legend of Sha-Ku-Ru (May 17, 1935), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1934
Junior-Senior May Fete (May 4, 1934), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1933
Dance Recital (May 17, 1933), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1932
Junior-Senior May-Fete (May 6, 1932), Lindenwood College
The Rhythmic and Related Arts Club (April 21, 1932), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1931
The Legend of Sha-Ku-Ru (May 30, 1931), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1930
Recital of Natural Dancing (May 9, 1930), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1927
The Centennial Pageant (May 28, 1927), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1918
* Dances of the Nations (May 15, 1918), Lindenwood College
Submissions from 1916
* Vaudeville Performance (May 12, 1916), Lindenwood College