Art and the metaverse

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Grove's Dictionary of Art


The metaverse, originating from Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash, represents a rapidly evolving virtual environment encompassing extended reality (XR) technologies—augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR). This digital ecosystem is advancing towards more sophisticated stages, potentially transitioning from Web3 to Web4, facilitating socio-economic interactions within three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds. Historical advancements in XR technologies, from the stereoscope in 1838 to modern VR headsets, have significantly impacted the field of art history, introducing novel immersive experiences. Platforms such as Omeka and methodologies like network analysis have enabled new research avenues, exemplified by the Museum of Modern Art’s exhibitions and digital reconstructions of historical sites. The burgeoning metaverse market, projected to reach USD $824.53 billion by 2030, reflects substantial growth potential, driven by investments and technological advancements catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual museums and exhibitions, like the Louvre’s Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass VR experience, demonstrate new engagement possibilities. However, challenges in technological accessibility and digital literacy persist. The integration of XR technologies necessitates innovative preservation strategies, exemplified by digital twins and projects like the Variable Media Network. Moreover, the rise of NFTs and digital art raises critical questions regarding ownership, authenticity, and environmental impact, necessitating a balanced approach that respects cultural sensitivities and rights. The convergence of art and digital technologies within the metaverse invites deeper exploration into the evolving nature of visual culture, emphasizing the need for interoperability and multimodality in digital art experiences.


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