Leveraging AI to Personalize and Humanize Online Learning: Transforming Transactional Interactions Into Meaningful Engagements

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


This chapter explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize and humanize online education, transcending transactional learning. It emphasizes how AI, particularly generative large language models (LLM) utilizing natural language processing (NLP), can foster deeper, human-like interactions between students and educators. Moving away from traditional keyword-based searches, the chapter highlights how AI integrates with tools like search engines and research databases, transforming the way students and teachers think, research, and converse. Despite concerns over the potential dehumanizing impact of AI, the chapter argues that its capabilities can, in fact, actually facilitate continuous and creative engagement, while privileging understanding and creativity over rote memorization. These new generative tools can enhance, not challenge, the human element in online education and promote more authentic assessments in the process.



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