"Richmond’s Lee Statue has Come Down. What About Confederate Memorials " by Jeffrey Smith

Richmond’s Lee Statue has Come Down. What About Confederate Memorials in Cemeteries?

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History News Network


The State of Virginia concluded one of the last battles of the Civil War on September 8 when it finally removed the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Monument Avenue in Richmond. Workers sawed the statue in half at the waist, leaving the stately general as a mere torso without a horse or legs.

The controversy has been in the news for several years now, as communities and states try to figure out what to do with monuments to dead Confederates erected more than a century ago. Some argue that these statues should be preserved since they commemorate so-called heroes of a glorious, albeit unsuccessful, campaign, the “Lost Cause.” Others rightly assert that those monuments represent an ideology supporting racial inequality and a false narrative of the history of Civil War and its causes.

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