
Journal of Educational Leadership in Action


Many states now require education students to pass the edTPA, a national performance assessment created by Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) and scored by Pearson Education Services, before becoming licensed to teach. One key component of the edTPA is the desire for the assessment to become an educative tool for candidates (SCALE, 2015). For this study, a survey instrument was completed by 148 new graduates to gather their perceptions of this unique assessment. Results suggest that students were able to plan instructional supports, link learners’ prior learning to new learning, and provide more thorough feedback to students. Conversely, participants did not feel it helped them connect theory to practice, teach and model lessons more effectively, and identify patterns of learning in assessments.


Dr. Darryn Diuguid is a Full Professor of Education at McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois. His primary teaching interests include classroom management and children’s and adolescent literature His research interests include LGBTQ themed children’s literature and teacher preparation tools including the edTPA.

Dr. Karee Nasser is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Special Education at McKendree University. She also serves at the Director of Teacher Education for the College of Education and Human Services. Her research interests include positive behavior supports for students with low-incidence disabilities, the edTPA and other performance assessment tools, and teacher education in online formats.

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