Date of Award
Spring 3-2021
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
First Advisor
Dr. Joseph Alsobrook
Second Advisor
Dr. Roger Mitch Nasser
Third Advisor
Dr. Michael Marzano
Previous research has confirmed that high performing employees have higher levels of engagement. This study explored factors influencing employee engagement in the context of higher education with particular emphasis on the potential impact of supervisory behaviors. Participants included faculty, adjunct instructors, staff, and coaches. No significant relationships were found between direct supervisor behaviors and the extent to which the research sample was engaged in their work. In addition to meaningful opportunities, recognition and collaboration with others were found to be important motivators through which engagement at work is heightened.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Brittany D., "The Impact of Supervisory Roles on Employee Engagement at a Private Midwest University" (2021). Dissertations. 6.
Copyright 2021