Date of Award

Fall 12-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Lynda Leavitt

Second Advisor

Dr. Graham Weir

Third Advisor

Dr. John Long


This study was a program evaluation on the co-teaching model within the Smallville School District (a pseudonym) measuring its effectiveness defined by the perceptions of leaders in the field of special education. This study filled the gap of previous co-teaching studies by investigating a rural school district, across all buildings. The researcher selected the tools of classroom observations; convenience sample interviews; administrator, teacher, student, and parent surveys; and secondary data from High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) and the school budget. The researcher collected data with surveys, observations, and interviews to determine the perceptions of all stakeholders involved in the co-teaching experiences in the Smallville School District. Results included four essential emerging themes compiled from all interviews and surveys noted by the researcher. These themes were a lack of professional development, lack of common plan time, lack of consistent collaboration, and lack of emphasis on co-teaching due to extensive curriculum writing, during the 2013-2014 school year. When taking the MAP data and applying it to a t-test by two unequal samples at each level, the researcher found significant differences in the general education and special education scores at the elementary Communication Arts 2013 data, secondary Mathematics 2013 data, and the secondary Communication Arts 2013 data. Special education students in the co-teaching setting showed an overall increase in tests scores than their counterparts in the special education setting. The general education students in a co-teaching classroom, maintained or their scores decreased on the MAP and EOC.


Copyright 2014
