Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Verbal expression is very important to young children for idea exchange, expression of knowledge, and socialization. Young children learn to talk, but need to be stimulated through experiences to motivate the children's self-expression into verbal communication. The visual fine arts give such motivation to children.

This arts-experienced based curriculum was developed to use with children, age 3 to 5 years. The primary emphasis is the general need of young children to verbalize. The necessity of young children to experience and their enjoyment of the visual fine arts ,;.,ere also fundamental in the development of this curriculum. This curriculum works toward building verbal communicative skills through the use of the visual fine arts as a catalyst. This program was devised to develop and improve self-confidence, language facilities, and creative talents, thus finding verbal expression a more natural form of self-expression.

Specific goals, objectives, activities, discussion material, and evaluative measures are provided in this curriculum. These goals, objectives and curriculum material were developed keeping the needs of young children in perspective. The approach is to allow the visual fine arts to work for young children, 3 to 5 years of age, in the development of verbal communication. The artistic discovery method is used to provide motivation and build self-confidence to promote verbal expression.

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