Mary Sibley: Female Activism and Self-Worth in an Evangelical Protestant Context

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9-4-2024 12:00 AM


Scholars have examined the attraction of middle and upper-class women to the evangelical protestant movement in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, arguing that it seemed to offer women the worth, significance, self-expression and autonomy denied to them by mainstream culture but ultimately failed to deliver on this promise. However, the life of Mary Sibley as seen through her diary paints a different picture. This research paper demonstrates that Mary Sibley, through her leadership of prayer groups and meetings, her correspondence with pastors, and the founding of Lindenwood College, exercised a complex role in the evangelical protestant movement that she found fulfilling in a variety of ways.

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Mary Sibley: Female Activism and Self-Worth in an Evangelical Protestant Context

Scholars have examined the attraction of middle and upper-class women to the evangelical protestant movement in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, arguing that it seemed to offer women the worth, significance, self-expression and autonomy denied to them by mainstream culture but ultimately failed to deliver on this promise. However, the life of Mary Sibley as seen through her diary paints a different picture. This research paper demonstrates that Mary Sibley, through her leadership of prayer groups and meetings, her correspondence with pastors, and the founding of Lindenwood College, exercised a complex role in the evangelical protestant movement that she found fulfilling in a variety of ways.