Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



First Advisor

Lynda Leavitt

Second Advisor

Robyne Elder

Third Advisor

Angela Kelly


Equitable grading practices were a focal point in present-day educational discussions and gained increasing attention in recent years due to concerns regarding fairness, inclusivity, and student success. This research study examined the principles and implementation of equitable grading practices within a sixth-grade science classroom. The researcher synthesized existing literature, examined case studies, and considered the perceptions of students, teachers, and the researcher study in order to contribute to the ongoing discussion on creating more equitable grading systems.

Key areas of focus included the history and development of the education system, the purpose and significance of grades, the examination of traditional grading methods and the challenges and inequities the traditional grading systems carry, inconsistencies in grading policies amongst teachers, and recommended for adjustment to ensure the utilization of more equitable and fair assessment practices.

The research methodology involved a systematic review of grading practices and equity in education. Qualitative data was collected through participating teacher interviews, student surveys, and the researcher journal to gather insights into the experiences, perceptions, and suggestions regarding the implementation of equitable grading practices. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed to determine a difference, if any, on the academic grades of students prior to the implementation of equitable grading practices and after the implementation of equitable grading practices.

The findings of the research informed recommendations for developing and implementing equitable grading practices in the educational setting. By addressing disparities in grading practices, the researcher fostered a more inclusive learning environment where all students had the opportunity to be assessed fairly and thrive academically. Ultimately, equitable grading practices were crucial for creating inclusive learning environments which support the academic success and development of all students.

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