Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Betty LeMasters

Third Advisor

Mona Resnik


As men and women age, their ability to successful perform the typical activities of daily living become limited because of physical disabilities associated with the aging process. The ability to perform one of these activities, dressing oneself without assistance, has been demonstrated to be especially vulnerable to age-related physical disabilities.

The inability to dress oneself has been demonstrated to have a negative impact on the independence, sociability and self-esteem of older adults, and is linked to the reliance on personal care assistance, an extra financial burden for the elderly person or a public expense.

Adaptive clothing designed to accommodate for age-related physical disabilities can help the aging person who experiences difficulty in dressing himself/herself to maintain or regain their independence, sociability and self-esteem. Examples of adaptive clothing and accessories are presented.

As the number of aging persons continues to rise in America, health care policy makers should address the personal, social and economic advantages of reimbursing the costs of adaptive clothing and accessories for persons whose physical disabilities make it difficult for them to dress themselves. Ii

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