
The Lindenwood Review: a journal of literary prose

Landscape (from The Painter)


AJ Cunder


AJ Cunder graduated from Seton Hall University with a Master’s in Creative Writing after receiving his Bachelor’s in English and Philosophy. His genre-bending work “The Last Will and Testament of Harry B. Balsagna” was selected as a finalist in Permafrost Magazine’s 2017 New Alchemy contest, and his short fiction appears or is forthcoming in Harpur Palate, Breath & Shadow, Rose Red Review, and Flash Fiction Magazine, among others. He has co-authored an introductory book on Medieval Literature scheduled for publication with Routledge and has written a memoir about the struggles of growing up and living with type 1 diabetes along with a number of other writing projects spanning a variety of genres and forms. He has served as a volunteer fire fighter, a police officer, earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and has advocated for those with disabilities, living with type I diabetes himself since the age of seventeen months. Find him online at www.WrestlingTheDragon.com or on Twitter @aj_cunder.

Document Type

Novel Chapter

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