The Lindenwood Review: a journal of literary prose
The Lindenwood Review literary journal publishes fiction (short fiction and flash fiction), creative nonfiction (personal essays, lyric essays, and flash nonfiction), and prose poems (block format). The journal is published annually, and students in the university's MFA in Writing program serve as editorial assistants as part of their MFA coursework.
Original, unpublished work may be submitted from June 1 through October 1 via Submittable (no fee). Submissions are welcome from both emerging and established writers. We are looking for fiction with believable characters and a vivid story; creative nonfiction that is well-crafted and fiercely honest; prose poems with a distinctive atmosphere and interesting use of language; and mostly, work that moves us as readers and inspires us as writers. We look forward to reading your work! .
Visit Submittable to view our submission guidelines.
Undergraduate Flash Nonfiction Contest
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Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 14 (2024)
Creative Nonfiction
All Of It Burns
Laura Young
Retail Therapy
Isabella Garces
Between a Lake and a Mountain
Natalie Marino
Falling Back to Earth
Geoff Watkinson
Joan Lange
My Father Has Always Been Dying
Ella Segall
Prose Poems
Meat and Shell
Maria McLeod
Lime the Mud
Carol Park
Salt Orchid
Emily Anna King
Below the Firmament
Mark Christopherson
from underwater
Logan Anthony
Just Below the Nose, a Hole
Matt Gulley
post-surgery blues in e minor
Liam Strong
Speak So Well
Adrian Potter
A Good Storm
Amy Strong
Dynamite Girl
Claire Caron
Jason Vrabel
The Salmon Trader is Tired of Pink
Mandira Pattnaik
Full Issue

- Beth Mead
Editorial Assistants
Erin M. Arnold, Karen Bramblett, Christopher Capri, Samantha Danis, Liliana M. García, Ryan Giorda, Jordan Goodwin, Taylor Hamann Los, Brittani Miller, Ellianna Nejat, Jack Probst, Roxanne S. Rose, Alexis Samuels, Katie Spearing, Haley Stuart, Megan G. Thomas, Nathan K. Weidman, Andrea White, Tara White