Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art



First Advisor

Charles Orme-Rogers

Second Advisor

Richard Rickert

Third Advisor

Bonnie Walbran


A random sample of 156 reentry women at Belleville Area College were surveyed, via questionnaire , on their reasons for being in school , goals associated with education, and campus support services utilized or desired. The results indicated that reentry women wanted to become better educated primarily to learn new skills or update skills for employment in a meaningful job. Career fields chosen t ended to be those traditionally dominated by females and t ended to remain within a narrow scope. Health care and secretarial careers were favor ed. Reentry women also made little use of available student services despite the fact that many of these services were considered highly desirable. The service most important to a majority of subjects was the scheduling of classes at times convenient to women. Reasons for the low usage of services and suggestions for future services were explored. Some students did not need services , others did not realize support services were available, and still others believed they did not qualify for support services. Some thought services were provided for "the kids" only. The need for disseminating accurate information about available services
