Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Writing


Creative Writing

First Advisor

M. Elizabeth Mead

Second Advisor

Eve Jones


This collection of poems and non-fiction work focuses on self-reflection and family with all its perfections and imperfections. I believe this collection mirrors the essence of the writer and gives insight to the loved ones who shaped that life. It is a tapestry of emotional revelation derived from introspection and observation of the world.

The author has experienced the joy of reading for over forty years and spent many hours journaling throughout her life. The empty nest syndrome was the catalyst to pursue studies in creative writing. It became a cathartic exploration of life that blossomed into a work that focused on such themes as life, death, love, nature, and family. These themes are loosely threaded throughout the poems, essays, and memoirs.

The collection includes an introduction that suggests, as does the title, My Family, My Opus, the greatest honor betrothed a mother is the legacy she leaves this world. I leave this world my family and my literary work.
