Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education



First Advisor

Jeanne Donovan

Second Advisor

Gene Henderson


This proposed study addresses the question: Will a daily exercise and nutrition program help increase the level of fitness for children determined to be obese?

A plan of classifying students as being obese is included as well as a recommended program of exercise and nutrition. The program consists of student participation for 24 weeks for 30 minutes daily in addition to their regular physical education class.

Obese students would be divided into two groups. One group would continue their normal daily schedule and the second group would participate in the exercise and nutrition program.

Because this author is enrolled in the Model I Graduate Program in Education, it was not required that this study be run. She feels that if the study were run , the group of students participating in the recomr.1ended exercise and nutrition program would increase their level of physical fitness.

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Education Commons
