Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Writing


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Ann Canale


The poems that comprise the following project were created for the pleasure and enjoyment of both children and adults. master's project for the MFA in writing is the result of a lifelong interest in children's literature. The majority of the work consists of my own stories in poetic form. The reader will notice many of the prominent elements found in poetry, such as visual imagery, rhythmic patterns, and rhyme. These characteristics are most obvious in "The Garden of Gigglings," writings created with picture book formats in mind. This section contains mostly funny stories whose humor can be emphasized through illustrations. These stories are meant to be illustrated. Most of the ideas for my stories are triggered from everyday situations.

An introduction to the poems discusses how no hard and fast rules govern children's literature or the way it is written. Literature for children has moved away from the didactic-based lessons of the past to a much more varied Literature that includes a free-spirited type of fantasy and poetry intertwined with whimsical stories. In today's literary marketplace, the combination of fantasy and poetry in picture books is appealing to children, adults, and writers alike. That is why, while researching and examining other authors of children's literature, I realized that picture books were a good fit for my own personal style of writing at this time.

Children's literature can entertain, but it can also teach. In "Acres of ABCs," I apply the technique of alliteration in storytelling. Each letter of the alphabet is featured in an alliterative story with a dual purpose. Every letter's story has the learning objective of helping youngsters master the alphabet. The letters, through repetition, help the children to recognize both the letter and the sounds. In addition, many of the stories challenge the children to learn more about their surroundings and about animals which they have never known. But these tales, also used as a learning tool, still tell an entertaining and sometimes silly story. They must entertain first and foremost if their educational potential is to be realized.

The introduction to my project discusses some of the reasons I think authors of children's literature have a following. They involve the use of suspense, universal themes, illustrations, rhyme, rhythm, and the bonding that takes place between the reader and the listener. Because children have such a great imagination, they may be more open to the fantasy and whimsical stories many authors write today. The impossible becomes possible in the world of children's literature and that is what keeps the stories alive and intriguing to its audience.

Overall, a successful work of contemporary children's literature must interest not just the listener, but also the reader. This is why I have included a list of my favorite books in Appendix A for others to read and enjoy.
